5 Reasons Why Right to Work Training Matters to You


5 Reasons Why Right to Work Training Matters to You

September 6, 2019

Right to Work training ensures that you remain compliant and helps you and your staff avoid the risk of getting it wrong

our right to work training assists you to get that knowledgeThe most important thing about learning a new skill is applying it. By offering engaging practical training sessions we allow you to put your knowledge and skills about Right to Work into practice so that you can see how everything fits together.

Whether it be group discussions, vetting fake documentation, or a quick test, we put you through your paces with real world examples. This approach allows your team to gain experience quickly and efficiently. Essential for gaining both confidence, and competence, when it comes to doing the job the right way.

With the ability to spot a fake in the field your team will be able to draw on experience when they come to do it for real. We also devote time to highlighting common pitfalls and mistakes that we’ve seen over the years.

Our refresher Courses Keep Your Knowledge Current ….

Investing in training is not a one-off outlay. Over time knowledge will fade if not regularly applied, and it will also become outdated as new processes and practices come into force. Understanding and applying the guidance from the Home Office and some of the nuances is important for you as employers

To ensure that everyone can identify fake documentation and use the latest tools available to them we offer intensive refresher courses. As the perfect forum to discuss new ideas and top up skills, they offer a unique chance to ensure that your team are always one step ahead.

Tech Demos Show Your Team What Tools are Available

training helps you follow the guidanceWe believe that everyone should have access to the latest tools, and with that comes the need to understand how they actually work. Right to Work checks are a vital process that requires a depth of understanding if they are to be performed the right way.

No matter how intuitive or easy to use the tech is, it should never be treated as a black box that generates an answer. In our training we focus on giving you a view of the wider picture so that you can see how our tools and services fit into your business.

This gives your core team a far better understanding of their responsibilities, as well as some insight into how we go about making the process easier. By seeing firsthand how tech makes checks faster, more efficient, and more reliable you can make the smart decisions which will help safeguard your business for years to come.

Role Play Let’s Your Team Practice in a Controlled Environment

One of the daunting things about Right to Work is the repercussions for getting things wrong. By offering real life situations we allow your team to apply their new knowledge in a controlled environment.

Not only does this allow them to build their confidence, it enables others to see how the overall process fits into the wider business.

Training Sheds Light on Grey Areas

When you work in a constantly evolving area there will inevitably be grey areas. Our training is committed to shedding light on such areas at the earliest opportunity. That way your team will have confidence that they’re implementing every process and procedure in accordance with the latest rules and guidance.

Final Thoughts

Training is about far more than introducing a new service. It’s about building confidence, gaining experience, refreshing skills, and clarifying grey areas. This makes it a vital tool that every business should invest in. Read a little more here.

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