uAuthenticate Web- Register your staff for Right to Work

Register your workers in a simple to use process

As you know uComply is about the process and making sure we keep you compliant. We recognise that you may need to register your candidates and establish their right to work before you begin the recruitment process.

uComply’s process enhanced using our portal to accommodates the temporary changes for the UK Right to Work guidance using digital registration ensuring you follow the necessary steps.

manage onBoarding of your staff using our registeration process

As a result, our process:

  • Gives you full compliance with COVID-19 measures
  • Takes you through a process to capture the correct documents presented to you remotely
  • Ensures the person presenting the documents is the same one shown on the document
  • Allows you to record relevant notes made during the remote interview
  • Facilitates the Home Office confirmation process for Biometric Residence Permits, ECS checks or the EU Settlement Scheme
  • Records all of the above with a date and time stamp
  • Keeps all the information in an encrypted (UK hosted) online storage database for future retrieval

Consequently, our registration Portal process ensures you have the necessary information available at your fingertips. It provides a natural filter to ensure you recruit compliantly.

Furthermore, our process uAuthenticate will take you seamlessly into the full Right to Work process to ensure you get your full Statutory Excuse.

Our onboarding solution uOnboard ensures your eligibility to work process is fully completed before you begin full employment.

Home Office compliance Checks simplified with registrationWhats happens to your registered Candidates after COVID-19

Looking forward to when the COVID-19 period is over we monitor and alert you to any records that have not had a face to face retrospective inspection.

In summary, we provide you with one cohesive process:

  • Step1 – register a worker,
  • Step2 – perform a Face to face Right to Work check,
  • Step3 – complete your eligibility to work and allows you to safely employ.

Finally, you can have a complete process. From registration to a working employee we help our clients recruit in a compliant manner.

Contact us to find out more.


      Get in Touch call us on 01707 802899 or fill out the form below

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