Civil penalties set to rise

Civil penalties for employers, will rise in 2024 by 300% by up to £60,000 per illegal worker.have you followed the guidance to avoid civil penatlies

If you are seeing candidates face to face then do check, original documents are authentic, the person you meet is the same person depicted on those documents and, keep a clear copy of the checks performed as evidence to prove you did the checks, including the date the check was made and who did it.

For remote recruitment ensure that the documentation provided permits the type of work you are offering, they look the same when you meet them virtually and, keep a clear copy of the checks performed as evidence to prove you did the checks correctly, including the date the check was made and who did it.

There has never been a more important time to ensure your Right to Work checks are compliant. Remember to get a Statutory Excuse and avoid civil penalties you need demonstrate all the above with evidence that you have followed the Home Office guidance process.

We continue to see examples with questionable documents or imposters even since the introduction of digital services like the share-codes.

Home Office compliance Checks simplifiedIn summary, our clients using our solution uAuthenticate Mobile or our Digital ID solution uIDentify ensure compliance with the current Home Office guidance including a uniform process across their business clearly showing evidence of checks performed.

If you have concerns about your compliance process around the right to work requirements, find out how using our technology can ensure you avoid civil penalties.

      Get in Touch call us on 01707 802899 or fill out the form below

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